Legend: A Harrowing Story from the Vietnam War of One Green Beret's Heroic Mission to Rescue a S
This is the incredible and heroic story of Roy Benevidez and ultimately the service he and his fellow soldiers, gave to their country...

Sword of the North
I do a guest review for Luke Skulls new book Sword of the North over on Fantasy Faction. Check it out http://fantasy-faction.com/2015/swo...
I'm on Bloglovin!
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Casey's Corner
Alright we’ve got a new section on the blog called Casey’s Corner! Casey is 13 years old and has a preference for action/adventure and...

Prince of Thorns by Mark Lawrence
I first found this book a year or two ago and it left me reeling because I’d never read anything so dark and still utterly engaging....

California Bones by Greg Van Eekhout
The start of this book is like a grisly car crash you can sense is coming but cannot look away from and I was sucked straight in. In the...

The Panda says the Fools must go!!
In anticipation of the release of The Liars Keys by Mark Lawrence I have two copies of Prince of Fools for two lucky readers. What I’d...

Arcs and Reviews
I just finished reading California Bones and WOW what a book. I really loved it and it was the prefect foil for the 1600 pages of Joe...

Last Argument of Kings by Joe Abercrombie
"Power is always dangerous. It attracts the worst and corrupts the best….Power is only given to those prepared to lower themselves to...

Everyone loves a bargain!!!
Damn I love a good bargain and here are some of the best at the moment. I've been on a splurge and found some great deals on the best...