Slow Bullets by Alastair Reynolds
Damn this packs a serious punch for a novella. It has a ridiculous amount going for it. I loved the set up. The good, the bad and the...

Pacific Fire by Greg Van Eekhout
I really enjoyed California Bones, I felt I knew the characters, enjoyed them and was ready for a sequel with an equally dark and...

Armada on the way!!!
This morning I woke up to see this on my screen. I'm not at BEA but Ryan Labay, a twitter buddy and fellow howler who has become a...

Short stories by Peter V. Brett
Brayan's Gold is a bit of what we missed in The Warded Man. I remember reading it and thinking it was a bit light on the training scenes...

Mad Max Fury Road
My review for Mad Max is up at Fantasy Faction. Check it out here http://fantasy-faction.com/2015/mad-max-fury-road

Alive by Scott Sigler
If your thinking about reading this, it is probably because you read Hunger Games, the Divergent Series, The 5th Wave and or Maze Runner...

The Desert Spear by Peter V. Brett
Great bloody book. Peter V. Brett has provided the perfect foil for his first book by giving us the other side of the story and making us...

Dead Wake
This story was told very well and I loved the incredible cascade of details that allowed you to really get into the world when deep...

The Warded Man by Peter V. Brett
This has been out for a while and has been popular enough to spawn three subsequent books so I think people realise that this is a good...

The Bees by Laline Paull
Let’s get this out of the way. The buzz on this book is justified. It hums along at a nice pace and finishes with a sting in its tale. ...