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Armada on the way!!!

This morning I woke up to see this on my screen.


I'm not at BEA but Ryan Labay, a twitter buddy and fellow howler who has become a friend, has secured me a spot in the Earth Defense Alliance and has come through with some serious goodies. I am staggered at his generosity and have to share.

So here is Ernie Cline, author of Ready Player One, with a massive stack of Armada Arcs!


And here is the copy Ryan has picked up for me



Needless to say I am pretty frigging excited about this book. I begged and pleaded with the publishers but so many people want it and it looks they are giving away a fair stack at BEA, so I guess they have to sell some and make a bit of money too.

I cannot wait to get started and it is all because of Ryan. Follow him on twitter @drownedworld and one day you might find yourself the recipiant of his generosity and compulsion to share good books, especially if you mention that you've never heard of Red Rising.

I have promised him a kidney as fair payment for this extraordinary feat so, if your reading this Ryan, have some shots. Just dont spill anything on the books.

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