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Total Recall: My Unbelievably True Life Story, by Arnold Schwarzanegger

This is such an incredible story featuring so many of my favourite characters from all time I almost feel like this counts as a science fiction review.

Excellent reading for any Arnie fan. He really is a very inspiring character at times. He obviously comes very humble beginnings but he is always in possession of fierce ambition and a desperate willingness to work. His rise through the ranks in body building shows him almost single handedly bringing the sport from one that engages few but the participants to one attracting worldwide attention, fans and celebrities. The chapters covering his ascent in Hollywood are equally entertaining. The book lets us get a first hand look at what it took to become the beast that is Conan the Barbarian, capture the coldness behind the eyes of The Terminator, express his sense of humour in Twins and a dozen others. He really takes control of his own destiny more than once and his decisions often seem to pay off and his relationship with Maria Shriver and the Kennedys is a window into a very particular part of American history.

The last third of the book is a bit slow. It covers his rise to become the Governor of California and what follows is pretty boring for someone who is not a fan of a politics in general. It also definitely feels like there is another voice behind the words in this section, and given the huge listings of various laws and policies he is involved in it can feel a little repetitive.

It's a wild ride but something needs to be mentioned about the fact that Arnold is a pig. Cultural differences aside and years into becoming an adult he continues to do and say things that are sexist and misogynistic. It's a shame because it detracts from his many successes and also because he should know better than to treat people like shit.

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