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How do I protect my books?

Alright community I need some help I'm about to start a library in my front yard. I’ve got a fancy wooden birdhouse type thing being delivered and I cant wait to stock it with a lot of my favourite books from the last couple of years. I’m lucky enough to receive ARCS from one or two publishers some of which I’d love to have available to readers, which leads to the question of how I protect them?

There was recently a fairly large tit for tat going on that began with one author’s exasperation at having certain people taking large numbers of her books at a certain book expo. The perpetrators were happy to have them signed but definitely not personalised leading to the author having a suspicion they were simply to be resold and sure enough shortly after a number of her books were on ebay well before the actual release of the book. This led to another author revealing he would stamp the inside pages of the book or insist on personalising them, purposefully impacting the condition. This in turn led to a series of bloggers issuing statements along the lines of ‘how dare you’. These people treasure their arcs, may wish them to be passed on without their name attached, might not be the same person today they were when they had the book signed or might even just prefer the beautiful simplicity of the author’s signature. Which leads me back to my conundrum.

My worst nightmare is seeing someone pull up outside my house, take every book out and drive off. It could happen though so the least I’d like to do is ensure they cannot profit off them via readers and collectors like myself. The first defence against this is not to put any ARCS in the library until they have been released for a couple of months.

After that I like the idea of having a Library Stamp. Something that identifies where the books came from, an encouragement to leave a review and either return the book or pass it on, and a link back to my own site and twitter because I’d love to see where some of the books actually end up and of course build a local group of readers who I can talk books with in person. Where is good place to put the stamp though? Where would piss you off the most? Would a remainder mark serve a purpose? Does anyone have any alternate ideas?

Let me know your thoughts. Oh and if you have any ideas for the name of my small sci-fi fantasy library feel free to share them!

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