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Tyrant's Throne by Sebastien De Castell

The boys are back in town, the girls are kicking ass and the whole thing is really bloody good. The final book in The Greatcoats series delivers big time, with the stakes being raised and the characters reaching a new point in their own developments that will bring both joy and utter despair to the readers who have grown to love them over these last three years. Everything I’ve come to celebrate about these books is again found in spades. The laugh out loud moments between Falcio, Kest and Brasti, the head scratching puzzles, the stunning reveals and more heart racing moments that I could bear. I cant think of another book where there was a stretch of 50 or 60 pages that had me turning the pages as fast as possible almost in blind panic to found out what was going to happen. It was like trying to get through one of the haunted houses where you keep telling yourself ‘its okay they cant actually touch me’ but you still find yourself flinching back and whimpering like a big scaredy cat. I loved every second of it. You will too.


There is something nice about writing a review for the 4th book in a series. Let’s face it The Greatcoats many fans are going to read this book no matter what and if you have somehow never heard of the series you’d have to be some kind of psychopath to go and read a review for the 4th book before reading the first three. So as I said, knowing there are no psychopaths reading this, and relishing the fact that I’m just geeking out with other people who have probably read all the books make this a nice review to write. I’ve been a big fan of Sebastien’s since I read Traitors Blade and I was hugely honoured to not only find my quote from my Saints Blood review for Fantasy Faction on the back cover of Tyrant’s Throne but to also get a thanks and a place list on the Bardatti.

Please check out the interview I did with Sebastien recently

Also be sure to grab a copy of his new book Spellslinger. I have not read it yet myself and it's aimed at more of a YA market but I hear good things.

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