Central Station by Lavie Tidhar
I gave up on this pretty early to be honest, as I simply could not find a way into the world Tidhar was trying to create. Each of the first few chapters is told from a different view point, they feature countless cultural references both real and imagined and I never really got a sense of what the story was even about.

I found myself constantly rereading sentences to try and draw some meaning from them because of the flow and the author’s tendency to use five words when one might do.
“Miriam looked at this man, Boris, this stranger who had been someone that the someone that she had been once loved.”
It might just be a bit complex for me but this feels like very hard science fiction and I like to be a little more tethered to reality.
This book was given to me by the fine folks at Tachyon Publications in exchange for an honest review.
NOTE - I've decided to reread this and try again and lift my self to its standards.