An evening near Pierce Brown!
The Morning Star signing!
Pierce is a lot more popular this year than he was last year. I thought with the signing taking place at the same time as The Bachelor there would be a large percentage of young females that could simply not justify missing an episode in this age of spoilers. I was wrong. Arriving only 45 minutes before the signing started found me at a distance of about a block down the street. With a 60 people limit on numbers I got about half way down the street before the closed up. So we waited and read and inched forward whilst silently cursing the lack of parking that meant I had a 9pm deadline.

As luck would have hit I was caught in that wonderful little golden zone of bliss where you know for a fact you will reach your goal at the exact moment your parking spot becomes a Tow Away zone. Do you surrender early and move your car knowing you could have made it by the skin of your teeth, or do you silently stress and curse every person that decides that the picture they want has to have every man and his dog in it instead of just the Author. I chose option 2 because being surrounded by Howlers is never a bad thing and searching for parking on Sunset is always a bad thing. The risk factor was increased by the fact I have a heavily pregnant wife and if I called her to say the car had been towed I’d be the one being shot stabbed, poisoned and betrayed by my loved ones.

Anyway I got in there at 8.59 threw my books at Pierce, had a moment to say hi, meet his editor and request a few signatures, forgot to ask about what he is doing next, and ran out the door. I would have loved to have said hi to Hannah his agent and thank her for giving him his shot, as well as Brian Staveley, another of her clients, who is a very awesome writer. Made it to the parking spot and half an hour later found myself back at home watching Olivia NOT get a rose! YESSSSSS!
It was short but sweet and a great night and with my UK edition on the way I hope we get to see Pierce make his way out here again soon so I can get another signature and take a moment to actually shoot the shit. The book is amazing so far and I have no doubt it will just get better and better. Go get your copy now.