Ex-Heroes by Peter Clines

A group of Super Heroes protect a small part of Los Angeles, and the people inside it, after a zombie outbreak has taken over the world. When a local gang called the Seventeens or the SS, expands its ambitions and reveals itself to have some serious numbers and munitions we find our group plotting to secure their defence and their future.
Walking Dead meets Avengers is a pretty apt description of this book, though I may be tempted to change out Avengers for Teen Titans. The heroes are interesting and flawed and have a nice array of powers, though it is very early days in this first instalment and there is a definite sense of their being more to find out. We have St George The Mighty Dragon and Stealth who are Superman and Batman (Batgirl?) respectfully, Gorgon who is powered by people directing their attention towards him, Zzzap who can switch between man in wheelchair and mobile sun, Regenerator and a few others as well.
The origins of some of these characters is hinted at as the author uses a now and then narrative, switching between chapters to allow us time to form an emotional connection before throwing them headfirst into a bloody battle. I enjoyed these little pre-zombie takeover moments, which added depth and detail to the story, but was always keen to get back to the main event.
Very enjoyable two day read for me as I found it pretty light and easy going despite the graphic fight scenes, which I must say are very well written. My only previous experience with Cline was reading The Fold, which was not quite as intense, so I had no idea he could do such a good battle sequences but there you go.
I am definitely going to be picking up the next volume in this series and if you like zombies, superheroes and a good laugh you cant go wrong.