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Casey's Corner - Golden Son and Steelheart

Golden son is the sequel to Red Rising. It is about a corrupt kingdom where the main character Darrow (a low red - the laborers) is pretending to be a Gold (the kings) where he tries to undermine the entire empire the golds have built. He loses a few friends on the way but can he fulfil his quest?

I liked this book because it kept me reading through the night and quite literally on the edge of my seat, plus I generally love action/adventure books.

The only thing I find I didn't like, is that we have to wait for Pierce Brown to finish the sequel to the sequel.

Reading it made me feel anxious, happy, sad and many other feelings that you could imagine.

I would recommend it to anyone I see on the streets! I'd want everybody to know about it.

Steel-Heart is the beginning of a trilogy. it is about epics (normal people who have gained superhuman powers) and one person who is brave enough to stand against the tyrants, David. He has been studying the epics for ten years since his father was murdered by Steel-Heart, shot in the chest after David's father saved him. Murdered for saving the same person because he saw him bleed.

I like this book because I LOVE Super Hero's or anything with superpowers this was just soooooo intriguing. in fact I finished this book the same day I started it!

The only thing I wanted more of is who challenged Steel-Heart and what went down, and I wanted more information.

Reading this made me feel anxious and i had butterflies in my stomach, if thats a good way to explain it.

I would show this to everyone i meet because it kept me reading and i hope it can keep others reading too. I cant wait to read Firefight the second book in the trilogy.

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