I met Pierce Brown at the Golden Son launch!
I met Pierce Brown last night. Ron Perlman, aka Hellboy, also turned up but Pierce was still the star. Beat that.
Golden Son launched last night at Book Soup on Sunset blvd and the place was pretty packed out.

I ran into a couple of people I’m friends with on Twitter because of our mutual affection for the series and it was really great to meet them in person. There are some amazing fans out there and I think it speaks volumes that a lot of people had friends there who had just started reading the series. Word of mouth beats all.
Punctual Pierce kicked things off at 7pm following the always uncomfortable reading of the bio by bookstore employee. As fans most of us have read his bio before and it hardly takes itself seriously so it was a joy to see it so seriously read out and Pierce making his Chagrin face.

Pierce decided to read just the prologue, which did make me laugh because of this previous conversation.

I have included the video of it below. I swear to god he misreads at the start and says ‘filling’ instead of ‘killing’ which really changes the feel of the prologue but he is a writer not a reader so well give him a break.
He quickly got to some questions so of course my phone died but there were some interesting one’s especially from me. The 12 year old girl who fears no angry mob yelled out “Is Fitchner Ares”? to which Pierces responded “what’s an Ares”. Nice spoiler deflection there. Another guy just yelled “Movie”! We all knew what he meant. I was wondering how Pierce would write Darrow in a movie considering the amount of internal monologue that occurs. My worry was lots of voice over scenes of him staring into nothing or him coming off looking like a dickhead who just kills people for no reason. The intent is to work really hard building an emotional connection at the beginning so that we understand why this girl, who gets so little screen time, is the motivation behind the whole thing. We are really going to have to be on the side of the Reds by the times shit gets going and in the book Pierce had that time. In the movie not so much so it will be interesting to see it handled. I have no doubt with him writing the script it will be done perfectly.
The signing went fantastically. I had some of my babies there and Pierce totally delivered. I did not realise it but apparently I was one of the first to go apeshit over his books so my arc of Red Rising was given this

My Arc of Golden Son was given this FRIGGING AWESOME inscription!!!

And my Golden Son was given the Ninja treatment at my request. Some random guy behind the counter asked me why I wanted a Ninja edition. It worried me greatly that he had to ask this question considering the awesomeness of the Ninja but Pierce stepped in with a “This is America! No one needs a reason for anything”.

He admired my Uk edition whilst I bemoaned my lack of a Portugese Edition, ( I love the cover…I don’t speak Portugese though). He hinted there was a chance he could get me one but I am never one to push my luck so we’ll wait and see.
It was a genuine pleasure having the opportunity to meet Pierce. He is a really normal guy who happens to have an incredible talent and work ethic and damn it I’d like to share a beer with him. I was lucky enough to meet Joe Abercrombie last year and at both times I have felt incredibly welcomed by the author and my fellow fans. I know Golden Son is going to be a massive success and I am stoked I got to see it launch. Oh and here is Ron Perlman, Pierce and a very lucky lady.

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