The Best of 2014
My favourite Books of 2014
By aReadingMachine
At the beginning of this year I was picking up this and that and keeping my thoughts on books I’d read to myself. Then in February I read a book that was so very good it flipped a switch. I wanted to write about what I had read and see what others were reading and that plugged me into Goodreads. I wanted to be able to hear from the Authors so I joined twitter and in the end found I had enough to say that I wanted to begin my own blog. I’ve spent the last year catching up on the books everyone else seems to have read so my top 10 would have The Name of the Wind, Ready Player One, Battle Royale, the Mistborn series Robopocalype and many others that blew my mind. Catching up has meant I missed out on a few I’d have loved to read but with so much new and available it’s hard not be excited about what I did get a chance to devour.
So my Top books for 2014
Red Rising by Pierce Brown. The Book of 2014. Pierce Brown is a true talent and has created something really exceptional. Already gaining serious momentum out in the world, one day this will simply explode like Game of Thrones and people will be wondering why they did not pick it up in the first place. Luckily they will probably be able to see the movie. Golden Son is releasing in January 2015 and the ARC is currently available for request on Netgalley and is equally impressive, in fact even better. I don’t mind say it’s an early front runner for best book of 2015.
Prince of Fools by Mark Lawrence. The dark master gives us the beginning of a new series known as The Red Queens War and it bears all the hallmarks of his incredible individual style we know from the Thorns series combined with some lighter moments to keep things palatable for those with weak stomachs. Few authors have the talent to provoke a disgusted grimace and then an aching belly laugh moments later but Lawrence seems to do it as par for the course. The next book is out June 2015 and his minions, myself included, are excited.
The Emperors Blades by Brian Staveley. Hotly anticipated debut and boy oh boy this did not disappoint. Book 1 of the Unhewn Chronicles was a smashing success and sets up a fantastic modern masterpiece that sucks you and just does not let go. It has a magnificent cast and characters that are impossible to forget, several of which are just about as bad ass as any in the grimdark universe let alone epic fantasy. This is a great chance to get in on a new writer and his first series and the next book The Providence of Fire releases January 2015.
Half a King by Joe Abercrombie. My first taste of Lord Grimdark was the first book in The Shattered Sea series and it produced a lot of mixed feelings throughout my reading. Rarely is someone in line for the throne so sympathetic and the young man Joe has written here will have you cheering, scared and distraught, in wonder and everything in between. It was enough for me to put everything Joe has written in my to-read list and curse the fact I had not discovered him earlier. Half the World comes out Feb 12th 2015
The Troop by Nick Cutter. One of the scariest books of the year and tipped out Doctor Sleep as my favourite Horror. Not because of the feeling I had right after reading it, but because of the feeling I have 6 months on when I think about the book and can’t help but notice a sudden itch, and that itch might need scratching….and then what??? This book wont just stay with you, it will not leave you alone. Keep an eye out for his next book The Deep.
Words of Radiance by Brandon Sanderson. Mr fantasy can do no wrong and offers us another wonderful book in the Stormlight Series. So good. So long. So much fun to read. I cherished this book and wish he’d stop writing other stuff and get back to this. That being said we have a ton of good books like Firefight coming in January and others that I am also pretty excited about.
I am also going to place the short story During the Dance by Mark Lawrence on this list. A small piece of writing it is utterly fantastic, emotionally engaging and is something you will remember always. You can get it free on Amazon right now as well so I encourage you to give this a go.
We have a ton to be excited about people, it’s a great time to be buying and reading books. Make sure if you read something you love, to leave a review somewhere, anywhere, or just tell a friend. I was lucky enough to discover an old friend I had not spoken to in years was a big reader and she asked me for a recommendation. Hours later I received a picture. The Authors are doing their job writing these awesome books and getting that pic made me feel like I was doing mine. Cant wait for 2015.