Redshirts by John Scalzi
Great fun and absolutely worth a read. There was some really genuine gut busting laughs in this book especially in the first three quarters. Reality seems to intrude a little over the conclusion but I was hooked enough to never question where things were going. I've wanted to read this for a while but with so many good books coming out I was not sure when it would happen. A thanksgiving weekend proved the perfect opportunity and best of all my nephew, who is eight, has also discovered books so when we went shopping I had little buddy with me. When we took the dog for a walk he said "I might bring my book just in case". YES!!!!! He is a little young for some of the books I read but we have a deal whereby if he can read the title and understand it, I'l get it for him. Neuromancer is a ways off I think :) I look forward to giving him his first Scalzi, though I don't think this will be it. For the same reason I could not recommend Ready Player One to him on account of him not getting even one of the 80s reference, this might be a little too cemented in pop culture for him to access just now.
I would totally recommend this to anyone and everyone. It is incredibly easy to read and is as palatable as a nice greasy cheeseburger at your favourite restaurant. I may read it again one day so it's worth the 4.5 stars.