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Half a King by Joe Abercrombie

Half a King by Joe Abercrombie

This is actually the first J.A. book I have had the pleasure to read, and I think his first foray into the Young Adult genre is a resounding success. This book was super easy to get sucked into to and before I knew it I was half way through the book in the first sitting.

We follow the incredibly sad but stoic Prince Yarvi. Raised to be a minister instead of a King, his life is thrown upside down when he is forced to take the throne and deal with the machinations of the court….

Sadly because Yarvi is cripple, people don’t tend to be that sneaky and more often than not come straight out and tell him what a worthless turd he is and how they are doing the best thing for everyone by getting rid of him. You really do feel for this poor character but at the same time, you feel a certain freedom in rooting for him as anything he does would be entirely justified. Here is a guy you love to see stand up for himself. He is always looking for a way to change things in his favour using the lessons taught to him by his former mentor.

There are some lovely twists and turns in the plot. You wont guess how things will end and isn’t that a pleasure?

I can’t wait to read more of Joe’s work and hear his darker tone.

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